Day 31 Sunday Oct. 9, 2011
This morning Joanie decided she was going to walk with us !! We were also sending a bag by taxi. I was finding it much easier on my feet to carry less weight. Ideally your pack should be not more than 10% of your body weight.
The temperature was cool, we left at 7 am stopping for coffee at 9Ñ30, bought some nuts and water and we were off again. The walking was easy, small hills, leafy woods, lots of chestnuts, acorns and oak leaves under our feet. More and more pilgrims as we get closer to Santiago, all three routes converged at Arzue so the numbers are much greater. wE ARE SEEING MORE PEOPLE THAT WE HAVEN´T SEEN FOR DAYS. aT ONE POINT WE COULD HEAR GUN SHOTS AND THE BARKING OF HOUND DOGS AS IT IS HUNTING SEASON.
wE HAD SENT OUR PACK AHEAD TO sTE iRENE SO HAD TO STOP AND COLLECT IT AS WE HAD DECIDED TO GO 3 KM FURTHER. oN ARRIVAL WE FOUND THE PICK UP SPOT WAS CLOSED BECAUSE IT IS sUNDAY -- WE (sorry, just discovered I was on capitals...whoops) - we eventually tracked it down it had been sent l.5 km closer to where we had now decided to go, which was a good thing that it hadn´t been sent back!!
We shouldered the extra weight and soldiered on! We had no reservations today and as we came down the hill we spotted Derek and Gayle - hollered at them and luckily we got into the place next door to them. After disposing of our boots and packs, washing out a few socks (for the last time>!!) we headed into the village for a beer and early dinner.
We ran into Auzzie Barry who was just arriving in town.
After our beer we realized if we didn´t have dinner soon we would have to wait till 8pm. So we wandered up the street and settled on a restaurant that served octapus. We decided to try it - now it is a case of been there done that! I think some of us will forgo the dish in Santiago!
Leaving the restaurant we saw Helen, Mary, Georgina, 3 Korean kids - from our first week. Little chat and we moved on - more laundry and showers at our pensione. Phone calls home for thanksgiving for Sandy and some internet for the rest of us.
Can´t believe it!!!!
Will post again tomorrow......happy thanksgiving all. xxxxxxxxxxx pilgrims l, 2, 3 and 4
Happy Thanksgiving!! Just 18km to go, I bet you can't quite believe it. Looking forward to hearing all your news and looking at photo's when you get back to Vancouver.
Happy trails.....
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